Success story

Window lifter regulator is rail mounted inside automotive doors. Slider runs inside the guide when lifting window up and down, thus it requires high dimentional stability, smooth surface, and high creep resistance / stiffness. We have developed THERMOFIL HP™ high performance glass fiberreinforced polypropylene and by providing our technical support taking advantage of our CAE experties,we have replaced metal parts and contributed to significant weight reduction.AvailabilityEurope, Turkey, India, ASEAN, China, Japan, Mexico and North Americas
Difficult to reduce weight while keeping parts integrity
Technical support required for design change to replace metal with PP.

Satisfied the requirement of strength and hardness whilst reducing the parts weight by optimizing combination of raw materials as well as processing technologies.
Sumika has provided CAE support backed up by 40-year-experience of study for required design change.

Piano Black Interior & Exterior Parts
Excellent gloss and anti-scratch for durable aesthetics without painting
Anti-weathering and anti-scratch performance are the two major requirements for exterior parts such as pillar outer cover for automotive. It is often painted in order to achieve high surface quality.
Sumitomo Chemical has developed SUMIPEX™ FJ series, which demonstrates excellent scratch performance whilst having excellent gloss and aeshetics. Excellent appearance and durability can be achieved through standard injection molding process without painting.AvailabilityEurope , ASEAN, China, Japan and North Americas
Scratches are often quite noticable on piano black parts which compromizes aesthetics.
When using Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene(ABS), painting is required to satisfy aesthetics with significant cost to customers.
ABS with paint

Excellent anti-scratch technology prevents scratches thus excellent aesthetics is maintained.
Parts can be made through simple injection molding without painting, whilst having excellent piano-black appearance.
SUMIPEX™ FJ Series without paint

Tail Light Cover, LiDAR Senser Cover
Weight reduction by 20% compared to conventional material by making parts thinner
Acrylic Resin is quite often used for the automotive tail light cover due to its high clarity, anti-weathering performance as well as excellent aesthetics. Tail light defines the car design from the rear. Recently, large, horizontal long tail light is preferred. To manufacture such parts with thin cross section, the material needs to have high fluidity. To respond to these demands, Sumitomo Chemical has developed SUMIPEX™ EPM featured by its high flow to enable efficient molding of light coverings.
Weight reduction for less CO2 emission, as well as fuel efficiency improvement was needed.
Material having good processability to realize thin, large, holizontal long tail lamp is required.

20% weight reduction has been achieved with our new resin by making the parts thinner which is made possible by its higher flow, whilst maintaining other requirements and properties.
In addition to EPM's high flow which helps to fully pack the tool, Sumitomo Chemical's expert CAE engineers provided support to optimize the design and to prove satisfactory part performance.

Fuel Filler Lid Hinge
Successfully achieved weight reduction by 14% whilst using the same tool for PAGF.
Fuel filler lid hinge is the hinge part linked between the lid covering the fuel / electricity charging port and the body. Despite its small size, fuel filler lid hinge needs to have quite high stiffness and toughness as this needs to remain intact even when a person leans on it. Due to its mechanical requirement, it is generally made of metal or glass fiber reinforced polyamide(PAGF), however we have successfully replaced PAGF with THERMOFIL HP™ high performance glass reinforced polypropylene(PPGF), which is featured by its light weight and high-strength/hardness Due to high water absorption by PA6GF, improved dimentional stability of PPGF was an additional benefit.AvailabilityEurope, Turkey, India, ASEAN, China, Japan, Mexico and North Americas
Difficult to reduce weight while keeping parts integrity.
Poor dimentional stability by water absorption was an issue to be solved.

Successfully PAGF with PPGF achieved by Sumika's state-of-the-art material having excellent strength and hardness which has helped significant weight reduction.
Improved dimentional stability achieved due to very low water abosorption by PPGF.

Gear Shifter Support
5% weight reduction by material replacement aided by CAE analysis
Gear shifter support is a base part supporting shift lever of cars. Despite it's size, gear shifter supportrequires quite high level of toughness as shift lever needs to remain intact even when leaned or kicked.
Generally, glass fiber reinforced polyamide(PAGF) is used for such application, however, we have successfully replaced polyamide with THERMOFIL HP™ high performance glass reinforced polypropylene(PPGF),which is featured by its light weight and high-strength/hardness.AvailabilityEurope, Turkey, India, ASEAN, China, Japan, Mexico and North Americas
Difficult to reduce weight while keeping parts integrity.
Technical support required for design change to replace PAGF with PPGF.
Successfully replaced PAGF with PPGF realized by Sumika's state-of-the-art material having excellent strength and hardness which has helped parts' weight reduction.
Sumika has provided CAE support backed up by 40-year-experience of study for required design change.

Brake Pedal and Pedal Box
Lightweighting by 15% vs. prior material while reducing part's weight
Brake pedal and pedal box are one of most crutial parts to protect lives of passengers and pedestrians. In an emergency circumstances to stop the vehicle, quite high stress is applied to the part and it needs to remain intact to function properly. Due to such high mechanincal requirement, metal and glass fiber reinforced polyamide(PAGF) are generally used. However, as a result of great evolution in strength and toughness, we have replaced PAGF with our state-of-the-art THERMOFIL HP™ high performance glass reinforced polypropylene(PPGF), achieving weight reduction.AvailabilityEurope, Turkey, India, ASEAN, China, Japan, Mexico and North Americas
Difficult to reduce weight while keeping parts integrity.
Technical support required for design change to replace PAGF with PPGF.
Pedal: PA6GF50%
Support: PA6GF30%

Successfully replaced PAGF with PPGF achieved by Sumika's state-of-the-art material having excellent strength and hardness which has helped significant weight reduction.
Sumika has provided CAE support backed up by 40-year-experience of study for required design change.

Mold in Color / Paintless Airbag Cover
Achieved excellent surface appearance without paint
Airbag(AB) cover ruptures and opens along the tear line by the pressure when the AB inflates. To secure stable deployment performance at any temperature range, AB cover needs to have excellent properties with a balance between strength and resilience. Sumitomo Chemical has developed ESPOLEX™ olefin polymer based Thermoplastic Elastomer (TPE) suitable for AB cover material satisfying above requirements. Some of our mold-in-color grades feature excellent surface quality without painting, especially on tear line which quite often shows uneven luster with conventional materials. AvailabilityEurope, China, Japan, Mexico and North Americas
It was necessary to paint in order to mask the uneven gloss on tear lines, which has increased cost and time.
To replace the material, our customer needed to run reliable computer simulation to see the differece in moldability as well as deployment pattern before executing actual tests.
Conventional TPE Injection molding grade + painting & drying process

We manufacutre primary raw materials in-house and we have developed mold-in-color AB material having excellent surface quality without painting through recipe and process optimization.
Sumika has provided CAE support backed up by 40-year-experience of study for required design change and this has successfully led our customer to replace the material.
ESPOLEX™ injection molding grade without paint

Center Console Top Finish Panel
Paintless, anti-squeak tapeless and weight reduction by 3%
This injection molded top finish panel is one of interior part used on the center console.
Generally, interior parts require good surface quality, not only the appearance of the part itself, but scratch resistance when mistakenly hit by hard objects, such as keys and belts. Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene(ABS) is typically used when such scratch resistance is required however, we have developed SUMITOMO NOBLEN™ polypropylene(PP) having excellent scratch resisntance equivalent to ABS and successfully replaced ABS using same tools without paint contributing to weight reduction.AvailabilityNorth Americas (under development in other regions)
Our customer was looking for a good material that simplifies the part, eliminating paint and reduces part weight.
With Paint, Vibration Dampering Tape

Replaced PC-ABS with our SUMITOMO NOBLEN™ PP which has excellent anti-scratch resistance achieved through extensive recipe optimization. Our PP featuring its low surface gloss makes it suitable to be used for interior application without painting. In this specific case, our customer has also eliminated vibration dampering tape thanks to its less squeaking.
Without Paint, Without Vibration Dampering Tape

Air Intake Manifold
Lightweighting by 13% vs. prior material while reducing part weight
Air intake manifold (AIM) is an inlet tube introducing air into combustion chamber in an engine.
Resin made AIM needs to be assembled by vibrating upper and lower parts to weld them thus high weld strength is required. Also, anti-acidity is required to accomodate exhaust gas recirculation (EGR). Due to such tough requirements, quite often glass fiber reinforced polyamide(PAGF) is used however, Sumitomo Chemical has developed THERMOFIL HP™ high performance glass reinforced polypropylene(PPGF) specially suitable for AIM application successfully replaced PAGF.AvailabilityIndia, Japan (under development for other regions)
AIM has multiple performance requirement such as EGR resistance, vibration weld strength as well as high heat stability which has made polypropylene quite difficult to be used for AIM application.

Satisfied the requirement of strength and hardness whilst reducing the parts weight by optimizing the combination of raw materials as well as processing technologies.

Radiator Support (front end module)
10% weight reduction by material replacement aided by CAE analysis
Radiator support is the heavy structural part assembled in the forefront of automotive underhood, supporting radiator fan module. It requires very high stiffness and mechanical toughness. Sumitomo Chemical has developed THERMOFIL HP™ high performance glass fiber reinforced polypropylene(PPGF) with 50% Glass fiber.
It outperforms conventional PPGF. We have successfully replaced glass fiber reinforced polyamide(PAGF) with this and contributed to parts weight reduction while keeping its integrity.AvailabilityEurope, Turkey, India, ASEAN, China, Japan, Mexico and North Americas
Difficult to reduce weight while keeping parts integrity.
Technical support required for design change to replace PAGF with PPGF.
PA6GF40% + with Metal insert

Successfully replaced PAGF with PPGF achieved by Sumika's state-of-the-art material having excellent strength and hardness which has helped significant weight reduction.
Sumika has provided CAE support backed up by 40-year-experience of study for required design change.
THERMOFIL HP™ PPGF50% (Without Metal Insert)

Battery Tray
Reduction of carbon footprint by using recyclate to glass reinforced PP ranging from30-100% of matrix resin
Battery tray is a small mount for a 12V battery used to run cell motors. This is quite often made of virgin material of glass reinforced polypropylene(PPGF). Sumika Polymer Compounds Europe has developed THERMOFIL CIRCLE™ recycle PPGF(※) and this has successfully been used for automotive applications. This product satisfies various performance requirements of the automotive industry whilst contributing to reduce one-way plastic consumption and carbon foot print by making the economy circle.
※Recyclate content ranges from 30%-100% of matrix resin portion.AvailabilityEurope, Turkey (supply in other region is under preparation)
Due to its nature, procurement as well as its product performance of recycle resin was not quite stable which made it difficult to be used for automotive applications.
Virgin PPGF

We have started to supply recycle polypropylene compound satisfying the need of stable procurement as well as stable performance required by automotive industry thanks to selection of recycle source in combination with our cutting-edge compounding know how and recipe development technologies.

Wire Coating Material
'Halogen-free, environmentally friendly, highly flame-retardant and flexible whilst achieving 15% weight reduction against conventional PVC material
Wire harnesses are used to supply electricity and transmit signals to various electronic devices assembled in automobiles, and are required to be durable and flexible. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is generally used as a coating material for wire harnesses. On the other hand, recently there has been a growing need for lightweighting, safety improvement (to prevent the spread of combustion when on fire), and eco-friendliness. To respond to such needs, we have developed ESPOLEX™ "Halogen-free(※1) flame-retardant elastomer," which is featured by its high flame retardancy and flexibility.AvailabilityJapan (Please contact us for other regions)
To reduce part weight, lighter material whilst maintaining same flame retardancy was investigated.
When cable ignites, combustion needs to be self-extinguished without harmful emission.

Achieved high flame-retardantcy of UL94 V-0 through our recipe and compounding technology optimization, which helps to prevent the spread of fire.
Our halogen-free flame-retardant elastomer is a halogen-free material featured by its little emission of harmful gases while burning (*2), making it safer for passengers and the environment.
ESPOLEX™ Halogen Free Frame Retardant TPE
※1Part of our grades meets Cl, Br <900ppm, Cl+Br<1500ppm. (Reference: JPCA-ES01)
※2Part of our grades meets Toxicity test (NFX70-100) CITNLP < 0.75.

Window Lifter Motor Housing
Lightweighting by 20% vs. prior material while simplifying parts structure.
Window lifter motor housing is a motor cover mounted inside automotive doors. As it lifts window up and down, it requires high dimentional stability and high stiffness and toughness. We have developed THERMOFIL HP™ high performance glass fiber reinforced polypropylene(PPGF) and by providing our technical support taking advantage of ourCAE experties, we have replaced glass reinforced PBT(PBTGF) and contributed to significant weight reduction.AvailabilityEurope, Turkey, India, ASEAN, China, Japan, Mexico and North Americas
Difficult to reduce weight while keeping parts integrity and functionality.
Technical support required for design change to replace PBTGF with PPGF.
PBTGF30% + metal gear shaft

Successfully replaced glass reinforced PBT with PPGF realized by Sumika's state-of-the-art material having excellent strength and stiffness which has helped significant weight reduction. Metal shaft by insert molding has also been successfully replaced with on shot injection molding of PPGF.
Sumika has provided CAE support anchored by 40-year-experience of study for required design change.
THERMOFIL HP™ PPGF40% + gearshaft formed by injection molding

Interior Upholstery
Lighter by 20~30% vs. prior material (against PVC, TPU), better anti-UV (against PVC, TPU), better low/high temperature resistance (against PVC), better anti-hydrolysis (against TPU).
Elastomeric interior upholstery materials have a texture similar to that of genuine leather, and are applied to the surface of instrument panels and door trims. "Softness" and "easy to process" are essential features of elastomers, which help to realize luxurious texture. We offer ESPOLEX™, olefinic thermoplastic elastomer suitable for this application having excellent balance of flexibility and moldability. We have successfully replaced Poly Vinyl Chloryde (PVC) / Thermo Plastic Urethan (TPU) with ESPOLEX™ due to its various advantages.AvailabilityChna, Japan, Mexicano and North Americas (Please contact us for other regions)
PVC parts weight was heavier / PVC discolors by light / PVC is low in heat resistance temperature / PVC becomes brittle at low temperature.
TPU parts weight was heavier / TPU discolors by light / TPU is vurnerable to hydrolysis.

ESPOLEX™ is ligher by 30% than PVC. It also has excellent light resistance, heat resistance, and cold resistance, making it particularly suitable for use in parts that are exposed to light or high temperatures, as well as vehicles in cold regions.
ESPOLEX™ is lighter by 20% than TPU. It also has better light and hydrolysis resistance. It is particularly suitable for use in areas that are exposed to light and in vehicles in high humidity regions.
ESPOLEX™ for interior upholstery

Sealing Parts (Glass Run Channel, Weather Strip, etc.)
30% reduction in specific gravity against EPDM whilst enhancing productivity
Sealing parts are attached to doors and window frames and perform a variety of functions, such as preventing rain and wind from entering inside the cabin, enhancing sound insulation, absorbing shock when doors are opened and closed, and preventing glass from vibrating when driving or when the window is lifted up and down. Highly elastic vulcanized rubber (EPDM, etc.) is generally used, however our customers have successfully replaced them with our olefinic thermoplastic elastomer ESPOLEX™ which has helped to improve productivity and reduce weight while keeping sealing performance.AvailabilityChna, Japan, Mexicano and North Americas (Please contact us for other regions)
Weight reduction was needed whilst keeping the required sealing performance.
Improvement in productivity was also needed against conventional material.
Vulcanized rubber (EPDM)

ESPOLEX has about 30% lower specific gravity than EPDM used for automotive sealing parts, contributing to significant weight reduction.
Unlike EPDM, ESPOLEX™ does not require raw material blending before molding and vulcanization process after molding, therefore molding cycle can be shortened. In addition, some grades have excellent heat bonding properties with EPDM, so it is possible to use ESPOLEX to inject corner sealings while using EPDM for glass run.
ESPOLEX™ for body sealing

Door Trim and Other Interiors (Foaming Application)
Lightweighting by 20% against injection molding, paintless
Interior automotive parts such as door panel consist mainly of polypropylene(PP).
Door panels are positioned at the side of passengers and they need to possess necessary impact strength to prevent unexpected breakage when hands and legs impacted. We offer SUMITOMO NOBLEN™ PP materials suitable for foaming to reduce part weight while keeping sufficient impact strength. Part of our portfolio enables you to eliminate paiting process thanks to our unique material composition, whilst having excelent surface quality.AvailabilityJapan (Please contact us for other regions)
It was difficult to further reduce parts' weight while using polypropylene materials.
In order to satisfy appearance requirements, customers needed to paint the panel, so material having excellent appearance was always investigated to eliminate the painting process.
SUMITOMO NOBLEN™ PP for injection molding
Achieved weight reduction by 20% by foaming PP.
Based on Sumitomo Chemical's technical experties developed and evolved over many years, we have designed optimized recipes for foaming while showing sufficient impact strength.
High melt flow also helps customers to mold large parts.
Sumitomo Chemical's cutting-edge patented recipe has achieved excellent surface quality and customer have eliminated painting.